Chapter 4: Dietitians lost their mind

Page 67

“to focus on exercise, not diet”

A. O’Connor.  “Coca-Cola Funds Scientists Who Shift Blame for Obesity Away from Bad Diets.” New York Times, Aug 9, 2015.


“food over the decades”

H.A. Eicher-Miller et al. “Contributions of Processed Foods to Dietary Intake in the U.S. from 2003–2008: A Report of the Food and Nutrition Science Solutions Joint Task Force of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, American Society for Nutrition, Institute of Food Technologists, and International Food Information Council,” J. Nutr. 142 (11) (2012): 2065S.


“as has the AND”

C. Dennett.  “Processed Foods: Problem or Panacea?” Today’s Dietician, 17 (8) (2015):40.


“once and for all”

P. Wilson.  “The Death of the Calorie.” 1843 Magazine, April/May 2019.


“public health lawyer”

M. Simon.  And Now a Word from Our Sponsors: Are America’s Nutritional Professionals in the Pocket of Big Food? (Oakland:Eat Drink Politics, 2013).


“even to this day”

J. Erickson and J. Slavin. “Are Restrictive Guidelines for Added Sugars Science Based?,” Nutr. J. 14  (2015): 124.


“a calorie is not a calorie”

D. Rehm. The Diane Rehm Show. (Washington, DC: American Public Media), Jan 7, 2013.


“saying a calorie IS a calorie”

N. Cochran. 2013. An RD’s Response to Dr. Lustig.


“represents the processed food industry”

N. Cochran.  “Eating Beyond the Headlines – Clients.”


“gets in the way of processed food”

N. Cochran.  “Eating Beyond the Headlines – Blog.” 

Page 74

“indeed they advertise it”

About Loma Linda University.